Talk about the devil setting himself on fire.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
In this essay I will be comparing and contrasting the theme of temptation and the tempter (sin/error) and downfall (the consequences of sin/error) presented in the narratives Dr Faustus and Othello. In both narratives the protrayal of the tempter is not so much of an evil decietful villain, but infact seems to be the representation or manifestation of the heroes supressed thoughts, in Othello's case; his insecurities. In a sense the villians represent …

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…on the role of God in his condemnation of his wife. In both narratives we are not explicitly shown that the actual villans, the tempters per se are bought to any sort of justice for their conduct. This in itself tends to put the focus back on the sufferrings of the tragice heroes. It is the heroes who perform the tangible acts of sinning and therefore have to bear the consequences of their wrong doings.