Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. This essay reflects the stability of England versus France during the French Revolution.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens, the author writes about the social problems in England and what is known today as the French Revolution. The novel is set in 1775, with a comparison of England and France. Both countries battle poverty, injustice, and violence due to the ruling authorities. The French people were tired of the social and economic inequalities enforced by the ruling monarchy. The aristocracy and clergy lived a life of …

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…when he gives up his life to save Charles Darnay. Then, shortly before ascending to the guillotine, he recalls the words of Christ promising everlasting life 'like a rusty old ship's anchor from the deep'. Few, however, can obtain such anchors, and even here Carton's love prompts self-sacrifice and gives him direction. This he only learns from his life difficulties and the reality of the violence faced in France, the importance to save the innocent."