Taking responsability

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Essay Database > Literature > English
1999 must be a great year to be alive if you are a criminal! Nobody takes responsibility for his or her own actions anymore. Someone commits a heinous crime, and anything but the criminal gets blamed. It was a harsh childhood, abusive parents, violent movies and video games, the availability of guns and bomb making materials, the Internet, pornography, peer pressure, etc. In my mind, if you commit a crime, then you are a criminal. I …

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… sitting back and blaming others for what I don't have. And in the same respect, if I screw up, I admit that I screwed up. Nobody's fault but my own. And if I ever commit some crime and get caught, blame ME instead of the economy, the gun laws, the drug laws, the media, the weather, or any other stupid thing that is on the "cool list of things to blame today." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**