Taiwan, R.O.C

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Founding Father Sun Yat-sen, named Sun Zhong-shan or Sun Wen, was born in an ordinary peasant's family in Cuiheng Village on November 12, 1866.when he was ten years old, Sun Yat-sen attended an oldstyle private school in Cuiheng Village. At the age of twelve, he went to Honolulu to study and returned to China at ate age of seventeen. Sun married Lu Mu-Zhen in 1884. From 1886 to 1892, Sun Yat-sen studied medicine in Guangzhou, Hong Kong and practiced …

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…ROC must further develop its international relations to ensure its continued existence and development. The two sides should avoid the use of force and instead apply the principles of reason, peace, reciprocity, and mutual benefit to systematically improve cross-strait relations. Only in this way can Taipei and Beijing bring the greatest possible benefit to the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and contribute to the long-term peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific region.