Taiwan 2

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > History
Taiwan is an island located about 100 miles from China. It was originally part of China. But in 1949, the communists seized Mainland China forcing the nationalists to retreat to Taiwan. From then on, Taiwan is also known as Free China. The leaders of Republic of China, (Free China) hoped someday that the communists will be driven out of China. Therefore, they start to build Taiwan as a military base for such purpose. However, their dreams were …

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…the family might sometimes pay people to attend even though they do not know the man who died. Fortunately, these cases occur less than before. Part of the funeral ceremony includes the burning of paper money and otherpaper objects, in the belief that the smoke will carry the real object up to heaven for the dead person to use. Families usually burn huge paper house, paper mercedes, paper servants, paper appliances for their loved ones.