Taiwan- How its history demands its fight and protection from Red Chinese aggression.

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For Taiwanese, the most offensive and insulting foreigners are those who begin a meeting with the words, "Well, Taiwan has always been . . ." One perfect example is the current lie going around, "Well, Taiwan has always been a part of China." The Taiwanese have their own reasons to disagree. Taiwan was once a beautiful island, long before the Portuguese named it Ihla Formosa. Many aboriginal tribes inhabited the island and enjoyed it completely and ecstatically while …

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…fascist People's Republic of China says it wants to come and take over the island. Since the quality of life in Taiwan is so much better than that of the mainland, one may well ask what exactly are they offering. All too conscious and proud of their democracy, the Taiwanese people want to improve that democracy and their island. The last thing Taiwan needs is another rapacious outsider. Especially the backward and rampaging red Chinese.