THis essay is about George Orwell's 1984. It answers the question: Can what happened in 1984 happen today? It anaysalies the world of 1984 and our world today.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
George Orwell's novel, 1984 is about a distopian future in which the government, the Party, controls every aspect of its people's lives. The government brainwashes its people into believing anything it says. In today's world there are governments that try to control all the aspects of its people lives. Even in "free", democratic countries the government invades peoples' privacy and spreads propaganda. Many of the techniques that the Party uses to control its people are used …

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…trained the kids to love their respective dictators. The threats that Orwell warns of in 1984 are very real and it is possible that they could happen. With laws like the Patriot Act being passed and dictators like Fidel Castro and Kim Jong II in power we are well on our way to the society described in 1984. This book has been written off by some as just science fiction but it could one day become reality.