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Essay Database > History
Twenty-sixth U.S. president. Born October 27, 1858 in New York City (fifth cousin of Franklin Delano Roosevelt). A strong nationalist and a resourceful leader, Theodore Roosevelt gloried in the opportunities and responsibilities of world power, and during his years in office he greatly expanded the power of the presidency. He especially enlarged the United States role in the Far East and Latin America. At home he increased regulation of business, encouraged the labor movement, and waged …

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…enough. Embittered by Wilson's refusal to let him raise a division, he also attacked the President personally. He was unenthusiastic about the League of Nations, believing that a military alliance of France, Great Britain, and the United States could best preserve peace. He was prepared to support Senator Henry Cabot Lodge's nationalistic reservations to the League Covenant, but he died in his home at Oyster Bay, Long Island, on January 6, 1919, before he could be effective.