THE moment before the gun went off: Van Der Vyer's true identity

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Vladimir jean In Philosophy the word identity is used to designate a sense of self that develops in the course of a man's life and that both relates him to and sets him apart from his social milieu. To talk about our identity, we try to answer the question, "Who am I?". Identity gives us a location in the world and presents the link between us and the society in which we live. We have …

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…from sleeping together he thinks "it's not even a crime anymore". This is a tragically ironic statement which shows that he grieves the fact that if it was just that way twenty years ago he could have had a different life with his son. His public life was not the result of his own choice (which is what dictates the identity of a person) but a basic response to the political system of the time.