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Essay Database > Science & Technology
THE MARINER AS A MUSE (FOR FREUD) Through this complex poem it is no easy task to contrive one concise explanation that will sum up the poem. The Rhyme Of the Ancient Mariner has strong undertones of God the creator, the animals in his kingdom, and the basic emotional circumstances that make up human existence. While these are broad topics, they can be broken down into cause and effect situations using some of Freud's methodology …

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…the Mariner go through his situations it is easy to gloss over them and not immediately relate them to Freud's view on ego psychology. After breaking down each conflict the reasons for his actions become easier to understand. The Mariner's motives seemed to have neither rhyme nor reason until they were carefully analyzed using Freud's methods. It appeared as if the Mariners actions had as much reason behind them as the whether in the poem.