THE MANGO TREE "How does Ronald Mckie's the mango tree relate to change and what techniques does he use to convey this"

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Area Of Study: Change THE MANGO TREE Written by Ronald Mckie Published In 1989 Ronald Mckie's The Mango Tree is about the life of a boy in the outback of Australia. The location is a small town in the countryside of NSW. Set during the First World War; The Mango Tree depicts the good and bad experiences of a growing teenager during these times. The main character, Jamie is described as "a tall youth with copper …

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…him like the pus and blood from the opened finger, he could think again, and gradually, as though recovering from a state of shock, a whispering pride replaced the early anguish and fright. The great mystery had been solved, and would be solved again. Mystery, revelation, creation, meaning, soul. Now he was elated" (pg186). This phrase is used to describe the emotions that Jamie had felt after his first time he had fallen in love.