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Essay Database > Literature > English
THE CHOSEN With dramatic force, with a simplicity that seizes the heart, the chosen illumines- for us, for now- the eternal, powerful bonds of the love and pain that can join a father and son, and the ways in which these bonds are, and must be, broken when the boy has to become a man. The novel starts out in the 1940's, in the Willaimsburg neighborhood of Brookline. Two boy who have grown up within …

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…intertwined. In the hospital room their hate turned slowly into friendship and wonder. The discuss why Danny was so angry and how Reuvin envied him for having the great honor of continuing tradition and becoming a rabbi. Slowly Danny's cruel up bringing is unraveled and Reuvin is able to see things trough his eyes. The book can be easily related to life. Envying what another has, then finding yourselve feeling sorry for every envyiny them.