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Essay Database > Business & Economy
How should teams communicate? Communication is not just about how you talk and listen. It's about connecting with people. Work teams can be successful and accomplish there goals when they find ways to communicate messages to inform, instruct, or stimulate members. (Winning Solutions, 2001-03) "Experts today consider communication to be the backbone of any effective team. Learn to: Deliver communication so that it is received the way you intended. Exercise greater direction over how and …

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…multiple subgroups..." . Overall with the proper adaptation teams can reach communication satisfaction. Through the understanding and application of interpersonal skills a team will communicate more clearly and confidently. Undoubtedly placing their marks upon the pathway of success. References Thompson L.., Aranda E., and Robbins S.P. (2001) Tools for Teams: Building Effective Teams in the Workplace. (University of Phoenix) Pearson Custom Publishing p.192, 193 Ambler, S.(2001)Agile Modeling. Cambridge University Press. Winning Solutions (2001-2003) -- JADE TURNER