TAiwan and China

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Taiwan perspective: The major problem between Taiwan and China is the Taiwanese economy. If the island state had never managed to industrialize under the GMD, it would have been absorbed by the CCP and the rest of mainland China long ago. As is, its strong economy, international trade and connections keep it steadily propped up in its uneven fight. Globalization and fine balance between defence and parlay of Taiwan are the only things that will …

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…and dialogue with China is the only way the rich, capitalist Taiwan is going to influence events in the future. From the US perspective, it matters only if China redirects Taiwanese capital and business into China rather than allowing it to continue freely. The issue of trade control in SEasia is also a knotty problem- Taiwan may be seen as the boulder in the stream that splits and weakens the Chinese river of regional control.