T. Roosevelt, a legacy

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Essay Database > History
The Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt The turn of the century has always been a big deal for modern civilizations. One hundred years of life is quite large compared with the average 70 or so given to most. Because of that, people tend to look in trends of decades, rather than centuries or millennia. When it does come time for a new century, when that second digit rotates, as it does so seldom, people tend to look …

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…Press,1984. Hagedorn, Hermann. The Boys' Life of Theodore Roosevelt. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1918. Knoll, Erwin. Review of Theodore Roosevelt: A Life, by Nathan Miller. New York Times Book Review, February 28, 1993. p.14. CD-ROM: Resource One. Miller, Nathan. Theodore Roosevelt: A Life. New York: William Morrow, & Co., 1992.Morris, Edward. The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt. New York: Goward, McCann, & Geoghegan, 1979. Nash, Gary, et. al. The American People: Creating a Nation and a Society. New York: Harper Collins, 1990.