Synthesis Kozol Amazing Grace

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Synthesis Kozol Amazing Grace Cleveland and Stephenson suggest that the poor fail to seek opportunity and therefore are poor. They also claim that poverty is caused by refusal on the part of individuals to take responsibility for their own economic well-being. However Robert states that it is the government's fault that there is a lack of opportunities. He also states that it is because people cannot receive a decent wage that they are poor. Neither …

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…whom else to blame. I believe that people are poor because they fail to create opportunities and make unwise individual choices. The bottom line is that no matter who we blame, the real problem lies in the hearts of men. ( go over sheet to determine that my thesis is coherent throughout the paper and in the conclusion.) "In other countries poverty is a misfortune -- with us it is a crime?... I beg to differ."