Synthesis task

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Essay Database > Literature
Area of Study Synthesis Task The process of a physical journey is often filled with significant experiences that provide growth opportunities for the individuals involved. While the connotation of a journey differ from one person to the next, the experiences are never neutral. Various composers have represented different perspectives of journeys. Peter Skrzynecki explored the physical and emotional journeys of migrants in his poems "Migrant Hostel" and "Immigrants at Central Station - 1951". Kenneth Graham, in …

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…which focus on the Jamaican team are accompanied by traditional Jamaican music, which serves to reinforce the distance they have traveled. The challenges and conflicts encountered on this journey shape the individuals of the team and lead them to a deeper understanding of themselves. The film expresses the journey as a process of growing up from a state in which the individuals are driven only by their desire to win to an understanding of themselves.