Synthesis on Race and Ethnicity

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
With the commencement of the millennium one might think that what is known as the melting pot of the world would interact more smoothly than what is portrayed in the media. We have long lived in a society that is segregated, not because it has gone unopposed, but because no one wants to take on the responsibility of breaking the "Berlin Wall" of segregation. We have, however, come a long way from the kind of …

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…we can learn to accept and share the significant things every ethnic background has to offer. Bibliography Ackley, Katherine Anne, ed. Perspectives on Contemporary Issues: Reading across the Disciplines, 2nd Ed. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt, 2000. Booth, William. "One Nation, Indivisible: is it History?" Ackley, 393-399. Ehrenreich, Barbara. "Cultural Baggage." Ackley, 415-417. Kotlowitz, Alex. "Colorblind." Ackley, 411-414. Morrow, Carl E. "Minority role models in communities are difficult to come by." The Quad 29 Feb. 2000: The Forum, page 9.