Synopsis: "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" by Mitch Albom.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Title: "the five people you meet in heaven"* Author: Mitch Albom Type: Fiction Pages: 196 Copyright Date: 2003 Synopsis: The book starts off with the death of Eddie. Eddie was an average man. He was the Head Maintenance Engineer at an amusement park, Ruby Pier. He dies in a semi-heroic attempt to save a little girl, as an amusement ride plummets hundreds of feet down to where the girl is standing. Eddie, who has a bad knee …

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…disappointment to me when I learned that this book was a fiction. It also left some unanswered questions. It was a quick read overall, and decided it was a good book for most ages. I would recommend this book for anyone who needs a quick read, but doesn't want a boring book. I read this book in roughly five to six hours. *Please note that the capitalization of the book is in all truth, correct.