Symbols, images, and places of great expectations

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Study Guide for English Finals Spring 2004 Great Expectations - Symbols, Images, Places Note: Symbols, images, and places all tie in together - they all symbolize something in a different way. For specifics, they are labeled S, I, and P. Sorry for the mess - just wrote it as it came. 1. Statis House (SP) - Pip's romantic view of the upper class. A mansion in which every thing that inhibits it seems unnatural. The name itself …

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…as said before, is starlike - admirable but impossible to attain (which is why the ending may be so vague). Abel Magwitch, is in reference to Cain and Abel from the Bible - Cain later kills Abel in jealousy. (Who's Cain?) Jaggers - sharp and rigged. Don't forget that every scene in this novel is related to what is going on in the text. Every scene is intertwined with the characters, the conflict, etc etc.