Symbolism of Caesar in "Julius Caesar" by William Shakespeare.

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"Et tu, Brute?" The final words spoken by Julius Caesar before his closest friend, and confidant, drove the final sword through his chest and watched him fall to the ground. When Caesar fell, democracy fell, and left Rome in a very unsettled state. There are many thoughts and ideas that could be drawn from the very simplistic white and black halves of my mask. Light and dark, good and evil, night and day, happiness and …

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…closest to him, most of all, the final blow from his best friend, Brutus. "Julius Caesar" is a very good play with a lot of very objectionable parts and debatable subjects with an extreme amount of points of view that can be added to it. The symbolism is so vast throughout this play and the literary techniques are so incredibly played out that it is no wonder why this play is still being performed today.