Symbolism in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird
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594 words
The Sin of Killing a Mockingbird
The scene structure was only one of the many enthralling parts of this novel. Each scene had its own essence and reason for existence, as should every scene in every novel. The characters were very defined and extremely deep. Harper Lee has a very discreet way of tying in the many aspects of Southern culture, without making it seem historical or pointless. But of all the scenes in
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Scout's innocence almost had a relation to the ignorance of the men around her. They were all unaware of what they were doing, yet believed fully in it. The happenings in this book, though it takes place in the South, have relevance to many situations, all over the world. There are many mockingbirds, many unjustly prosecuted innocents, and each aim taken, each stone thrown is as much a sin as the prosecution of Tom Robinson.
Scout's innocence almost had a relation to the ignorance of the men around her. They were all unaware of what they were doing, yet believed fully in it. The happenings in this book, though it takes place in the South, have relevance to many situations, all over the world. There are many mockingbirds, many unjustly prosecuted innocents, and each aim taken, each stone thrown is as much a sin as the prosecution of Tom Robinson.