Symbolism in Hedda Gabler

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Novels and plays have many themes and sub - themes that play an important role in keeping the reader interested and entertained as well as creating a base for the plot. Injustice is a common theme or sub theme in literature. Injustice plays an important role in the Novel Hedda Gabler by Henrick Ibsen. In this novel injustice is used as a sub-theme to the major theme which is jealousy and anger with society. Henrick …

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…by Hedda were sparked by Heddas injustice towards her self. She could have been true to herself and married Loveborg, the man she truly loved instead she married Tesman who represented stability and who she despised. In conclusion, acts of injustice allow us to see deeper into the character that has committed them. Injustice is one of the common themes in literature because it can be used to describe many characters and highlight many more.