Symbolism in "A Blade of Grass" by DeStot

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Racial issues have always been a controversial component of society. Almost everyone has witnessed or experienced forms of discrimination in their lives. Lewis DeSoto attempts to convey a story of the repercussions society has on an individual. DeSoto's novel, A Blade of Grass, is the story of two young women of different races who struggle to survive in apartheid South Africa. DeSoto is able to accurately convey his message because he personally experienced the consequences …

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…using somewhat different circumstances. Through the use of the elements of symbolism, he has depicted the effect racial discrimination can have on individuals. Through the use of the different characters and situations in this novel, Desoto has reflected his background regarding the racial discrimination which he faced. Racism has always been a issue in society, but however over time it has altered in many ways but it is something that still needs to be addressed.