Symbolic sister of "The Metamorphosis"

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Asmondy 1<Tab/> The End of a Story <Tab/>All good stories have an ending. But what is an ending? It is a termination. It is something that constitutes an end in the form of a conclusion to reach a logically, necessary end by reasoning (Webster 2000). In relation to a story it should have significance, and create some sort of closure. I believe the ending in The Metamorphosis …

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…Tab/>all the time, realized at almost the very same moment that recently, in spite of all <Tab/>the cares that had made her cheeks pale, she had blossomed into a beautiful, well-<Tab/>built girl" (52). The significance displayed by the ending is how particularly Grete, the daughter, changes throughout the story as a result of the metamorphosis and eventual death of her brother Gregor.