Symbolic Landscape

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Symbolic Landscape By Diego Rivera The grand work of art looms before me and I am taken aback by its unusual form, yet struck by its very expressive nature. "Symbolic Landscape" by Diego Rivera definitely makes its powerful presence in the room just as the artist forever made a mark in time as a man who pushed the political and social limits of his time through his art work and murals. Although the painting described …

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…most important aspect of the painting. The stones that hold the hands and the face are crowded in around the tree in the foreground. Yet, the other unmarked stones recede calmly and smoothly into the distance, which only accentuate the importance of the objects in the foreground. These unmarked stones make an eternal journey towards the horizon, making the landscape appear as if it continues on forever. Bibliography The Painting "Symbolic Landscape" By Diego Rivera