Symbol of Vietnam: Non La.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Every country has their own hat styles, in the United States the baseball cap, in England the London bobby's helmet, in Greece the fisherman's hat, in France the beret and so on. In Vietnam, the conical pleasant hat, or non la, serves as a very important tool used by everyone. The non la, translates "leaf hat," because it is made out of leaves and is also very light and thin. The non la is used …

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…workers in the sunny fields, and used as a fan under a shade resting. It is used during shows because it represents the Vietnamese people, the poor and simple people of Asia. The women use the non la as a part of their daily Vietnamese life, they need it for protection from the sun rays. It dates back to the earliest days, and seeing the non la today is like seeing a piece of Vietnam.