Sylvia Plath

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
A Discovery Through Poetry Poetry can be expressive, strong, intense, and sometimes confusing. Through all that poetry is and can be to certain individuals, one thing is for sure, it's a discovery of oneself. Some poems are about historical events, some about emotions and thoughts, some as simple as nature. The most abstract poem can make one think of oneself. One particular poem comes to mind when thinking of self-discovery, Sylvia Plath's "Daddy"; this poem …

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…gift, a gift of discovery. Whether it is through death and remaking of life or through manifestations of someone we miss and adore tremendously. Poetry lets us connect with others and lets us know, we aren't alone in our despairs and turmoil. Poetry is the key to ones soul, and the window to self-discovery. It only takes an open mind and an open heart to accept poetry and to interpret it into your own discovery.