Swept Awake! Negotiating Passion On Campus

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In reading Swept Awake! Negotiating Passion On Campus it reminded me of a TV show I saw on MTV once. It showed a young male and female on a couch kissing. The male asked it he could put his hand on her waist and the girl did the same. This is exactly what they are talking about in this essay. Getting permission to touch your partner beforehand. I don't necessarily agree with this. I think …

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…says no and the guy (or vise versa) continues that's rape. Some girls would think well I let him go so far then I said no so it my fault. It would help in cases like that. As far as I'm concerned in my own personal life I wouldn't ask permission at every step, it should be a given if you and your partner communicate before hand on how far is too far. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**