Sweatshop Labor: Not Just a Thing of the Past

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Sweatshop labor is still a major dilemma threatening the world in recent times. From the information I found this type of manual labor is still being used in the countries of Asia, i.e. Vietnam, China, and Bangladesh. It is also common in the Latin American and South American Countries, such as, Nicaragua & Guatemala, and Colombia & Ecuador. There once was a very big problem of low wage manual labor in the …

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…of misery and at least into poverty. If the workers' wages were raised by 20 cents an hour, it would add 54 cents to the cost of the sneakers. If Puma could not handle this alone, suppose concerned citizens offered to split the difference. We could pay 27 cents more, and so would Puma."(National Labor Committee) The only real thing that we, as the consumer, can do is to boycott the buying of the PUMA Corporation's merchandise.