Susanna Moodie - the distraught pioneer. Roughing It in the Bush.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Susanna Moodie immigrated to Canada as she approached the age of thirty, becoming one of the most historically important figures of Canadian settlement. She had already been an established writer in England and was a person of a good name, position and connections. There are many reasons why Susanna Moodie is now perceived to be rather ambivalent in her opinions, one of them being the fact that immigrating not out of necessity, but out of …

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…figure in creating a pioneer woman character type. Roughing It in the Bush is Moodie's first pioneer narrative, which influenced the rest of her literary works, as well as the way she saw herself in the new surroundings later on. It also had a great effect on other emigrant women planning a successful emigration. Roughing It in the Bush is an attempt to warn those coming to the New World and save them from disillusionment.