Survivors During the Holocaust, 1930's - 1940's

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
Adolf Hitler attempted to massacre an entire group of people in the "Final Solution" during the Holocaust. Not only did he strive for genocide, but also his goal was to abolish the belief and faith that had been practiced and been persecuted in the last 3,000 years. Many Jews that were sent to ghettos and concentration camps lost faith in God and stopped believing in Him. Others, though, kept the fire of tradition burning throughout the …

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…it was almost impossible to be religious. These survivors felt that by preserving the religion, a way of life, traditions, and faith that were disrupted so many times before, was far too important to forget and disregard since those traditions and way of life was the only reason why they were being persecuted. These inspiring Jews have shown that Adolf Hitler has ultimately failed in his attempt at genocide, destroying and killing the Jewish religion.