Survey into IQ, Hair colour, Gender and relationships between them

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Mathematics
An investigation into factors that may be connected with IQ scores. <Tab/>Being one of only three blonde females in a top set Maths class that is dominated by males aspersions tend to be cast our way as to our lack of intelligence!! Having been given a set of secondary data from the fictious High School Mayfield I want to look into this aspect of life and see whether their aspersions …

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…believe that there is very little difference between the IQ's of the groups that I have been looking at. I have found that being either female or blonde or both decreases the IQ score. From the results that I have found, I am confident that Mayfield High School is representative of the 'normal' distribution of IQ's and so am fairly confident that my results are fair and are reliable as far as they can be.