Survey - About Criminal Psycology, Crime and the way you would react in a given situation

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Hey people, the members in this website are really quite clever so I would like to conduct a survey about criminals, using your minds and thoughts. Just to test public opinion. I'm currently studying criminal phycology at my last year at high school. I want to know what you think about the following questions, and to answer them please. Please just write your comment/opinion below. By the way thanks in advance =D Question 1- …

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…the party. e.) Laugh with him, and just enjoy the party, you don't want to get involved. There are my 5 questions for now, later I shall ask somemore, and your particapation for them would be GREATLY appreciated =D Remeber there are no right or wrong answers just your opinion .Thankyou for reading this and thankyou even more for replying. Remeber I only wrote this to hear your comments. =D So get typing =D Thanks, again.