Supports and opposition for sending troops to war (Vietnam)

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Different groups within Australia's population had very strong reactions both for and against the federal government decision to send our troops to Vietnam to become involved in the war. The most imported supporter were Menzies like government. The most significant groups in subscription were the Labour party, Communist party, conscientious objectors, SOS, VAC. Understanding the reasons behind both sides views is essential to explain Australia's history during this changing time The supporters were: The Federal …

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…war. These were called the 'Save our sons Movement and the 'Vietnam action committee. The overview of the group was mother joining together to voice their opposition to the conscription of their sons. The VAC demanded full withdrawal of troops from Vietnam. Therefore it can be seen that Australia was a country in conflict with different groups within Australia's society either supporting or opposing the federal government decision to conscript and send troops to Vietnam