Supply Chains Reform--Sport Obermeyer

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
Sport Obermeyer is a high-end fashion skiwear design and merchandising company headquartered in Aspen, Colorado. Over the years, Sports Obermeyer has developed into a dominant competitor. Sports Obermeyer's estimated sales in 1992 were $32.8 million. The company holds 45% share of children's skiwear and 11% of adult Skiwear market. Sport Obermeyer produces merchandise ranging from: parkas, vests, ski suits, shells, ski pants, turtlenecks, and accessories. These products are sold throughout U.S. department stores in urban areas and ski …

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…method of calculating production decisions. Obermeyers initial issues have been due to scant information about how the market would react to the line. There is no indication of how consumers reacted to 1992-93 line of their skiwear. Obermeyer must comply sample data from the buying committee's forecast and correlate it with Obermeyer's top selling products. This would alleviate the amount of risk and loss executed every year due to inaccurate information of the market's reaction.