Superdad Syndrome

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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Social Sciences
- - A long time ago, way back in the 1950's, there was a cold, icy creature known as the 'fifties father.' He rarely displayed affection, and he hid most of his feelings behind the newspaper. Most of the child-rearing duties were left to mom. We can kiss those days good-bye! In Western cultures there is an increasing number of men who are extremely active in all stages of raising their children. The old 'fifties …

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…home with his two sets of young twins. He changed 72 diapers and mixed 30 bottles of formula every day, all while getting by on $500 per month. Rudy truly classifies as a superdad according to psychologist Stuart Fischoff. He says, 'Superdads are men who sacrifice and structure their lives around parenting.' More and more, now numbering nearly 250,000, superdads are making these changes and sacrifices. They are learning every day and doing it all on their own.