Summery of the History Channel Documentary of the French Revolution

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Overview: This essay is a summary of the 2005 History Channel documentary of the French Revolution. The closing paragraph is my personal opinion on the movie. All information came from the Documentary. Documentary Information Directed by Writing credits Doug Shultz Thomas Emil Doug Shultz Produced by Hilary Sio Doug Shultz/Producer Sandya Viswanathan/Co-producer In 1770 the French Revolution began to form, at Fifteen Louis the sixteenth, marries Marie Antoinette the fourteen year old Austrian Princess, daughter …

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…an absolute monarchy to keep them in line but there king was an idiot. I felt a little bad for Marie Antoinette and king Louis but then I remembered what a spoiled rich life thy lived and saw that they got what was coming to them. Basically every one involved in the revolution got what was coming to them. Robespierre was executed, Marat was stabbed in his bathtub, the church got knocked down a few.