"Summer of the Aliens" by Louis Nowra - Lewis' interest in aliens and the Cuban missile crisis help to illuminate the themes of the play.

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Lewis' interest in aliens and the Cuban missile crisis help to illuminate the themes of the play. In Summer of the Aliens, Louis Nowra, the author, uses a lot of symbolism and subtext. Independent themes and ideas, like the Cuban missile crisis and Lewis' alien fascination, are often interconnected with the main storyline. Because of this, there are many underlying themes that the reader may not notice on the first read through. There are several …

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…Page 8 Stan and others are portrayed as very opinionated individuals, and what they said would probably now be considered racist. In the eyes of the general public, Russians were as strange and potentially evil as the aliens depicted in movies. The Cuban Missile Crisis and Lewis' alien fascination both explain different topics; the setting and relationships. 'Summer of the Aliens' is a very symbolic piece, which is effective in displaying the themes of the play.