Summary of the Brook Museum Tour

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
BROOKS MUSEUM The Brook Museum comprises of art from Africa, European, Asia, and the Americas. These arts dated back as far as the 13th century to the most recent art works of modern artists. The Brooks Museum embraces the art of Italian Renaissance and Baroque works from the most famous artists such as Girolamo Romanio, Sebastiano Ricci, Canaletto, and much more. As I enter the Brook Museum, I was greeted by a group of citizens …

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…century. The bed was made out of wood, it also have a pillow made out of wood. This bed seems very uncomfortable and very small. I really like the Brooks Museum. It contains art also from everywhere in the world. There are art from Africa, Americas, European, and some from Asia. I recommend students to visit the Brooks Museum to learn and see some of the most extraordinary art such as abstract art and sculptures.