Summary of seminar notes for Virgil's "The Aeneid"
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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Throughout this seminar, many comparisons were made. The United States' dominance was compared to that of Rome and Greece. The founding of the Americas was compared to the founding of Rome. The Trojan's genuine peaceful intentions were compared to the intentions of the American settlers that were not always truly peaceful. Dido's story to Aeneas'. Turnus' death to the bombing of Hiroshima. The entire story of the Aeneid, although from ancient times, can still be
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atomic bomb and save 1 million of its own people. Aeneas should kill one man, Turnus, instead of sacrificing innocent citizens in his city-to-be. He could have made this decision justly and killed him with honor, but in the end, Aeneas is infuriated and kills Turnus out of rage, not decision. In the end, Aeneas forgets the Roman mandate. Is this a foreshadowing of the political system of Rome that will eventually be overrun with corruption?
atomic bomb and save 1 million of its own people. Aeneas should kill one man, Turnus, instead of sacrificing innocent citizens in his city-to-be. He could have made this decision justly and killed him with honor, but in the end, Aeneas is infuriated and kills Turnus out of rage, not decision. In the end, Aeneas forgets the Roman mandate. Is this a foreshadowing of the political system of Rome that will eventually be overrun with corruption?