Summary of "gods country and american know-how" by laurn baritz. good summary many qoutes

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English 121.561 2004-11-13 "America Would Become God's Country" <Tab/>In Loren Baritz's "God's Country and American Know-How", it briefly describes the birth of our nation, characteristics, and theories through out America's history. "America would become god's country" (435) is not only the title of the summary but the basis of our founding father's thoughts. In the begin only few words were spoken of the outside world, problems consisted within our borders that …

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…amp;lt;Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/> Works Cited Baritz, Loren. "God's Country and American Know-How" <Tab/>Real Culture; contexts for critical reading and writing. <Tab/>Ed. Diana George and John Trimbor. 5th Ed. <Tab/>New York: Parison Longman, 2004. 434-41