Summary of "The Old Man and the Sea" by Hemmingway.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
An old Cuban fisherman named Santiago had gone fishing for eighty-four days in the Gulf Stream and still had no catch. He had become the laughingstock of his village. His apprentice Manolin, a boy, accompanied him half throughout his journey although his parents ordered him to transfer boats because of their belief the Santiago is unlucky. Yet still, the boy helped Santiago bring in his boat every day. He then mentioned to Manolin that tomorrow, …

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…requested the old man to rest again as he left to fetch him some food, newspapers and a clean shirt. That afternoon tourists gathered on the Terrace. Not recognizing the skeleton, a lady asked the waiter what it was. After responding it was a shark, she commented to her partner that she did not know sharks had such beautiful tails. Back at Santiago's shack, the boy watched him sleep while he was dreaming about lions.