Summary of Othello.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Othello opens to a scene on a street in Venice. Roderigo, a wealthy man, and Iago are arguing. Roderigo has been paying Iago for help in trying to hook up with Desdemonia, so far he has been unsuccessful. Roderigo has also just learned that Othello and Desdemonia have married, furthering the extent of his disdain. Iago (whom we later find out to be the villain of the play) comments on his hate for Othello. Apparently …

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…that he must go back to Venice to be tried for the murder of his wife. Othello then breaks into a speech about how he would like to be remembered and proceeds to kill himself with a sword he had tucked away. The play ends as Lodovico makes a closing speech. He gives Graziano Othello's house and other belongings, and orders Iago to be killed for what he has done to ruin so many lives.