Summary of "Coming to Ameruca" and apply Berger, Marx and Durkheimian's point of view to make commentary on the summary.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Coming to America introduces the history of the waves of immigration to America from 1500 to the present. In a narrative populated with real people, Roger Daniels takes the reader from the first Spanish, French, and English migrants to the later arrivals of Africans, Germans, and Irish, followed by Swedes, Poles, Italians, and Eastern European Jews in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, to the Latin American and Asian immigrants of our own era. The birth …

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…changing, are also influential in changing social priorities. As the size of a social group increases, so may its influence on society. The influence may be through markets (such as young people who, as a group, buy more athletic equipment), voting power (for example, old people are less likely to vote for school bond legislation), or recognition of need by social planners (for example, more mothers who work outside the home will require child-care programs).