Summary of Chap 1. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the

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Chapter One: A Long Expected Party The story begins with the eleventy-first birthday party of Mr. Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit who has been a bit of a celebrity in the shire for many years. He is a wealthy hobbit and he has many friends and admirers. One of his younger cousins is Frodo Baggins who Bilbo has adopted as an heir. Since Frodo and Bilbo have the same birthday (September 22) they plan to share a …

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…Throughout the novel, we will find that this ring holds a special power over the bearer. Bilbo offers the ring to Gandalf but in the end Gandalf suggests that the ring be given to Frodo. Some of the other belongings are distributed to neighbors, friends and relatives. Gandalf remains with Frodo and Bilbo heads off on his new adventure. This is really not a permanent farewell and three will be reunited quite a while later.