Summary of Article: "We're open and tolerant, but we have our problems" by Daphne Bramham

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
In his article "We're open and tolerant, but we have our problems" (Vancouver Sun, July 1, 2006), Daphne Bramham defended Canada's national value as an open, fair, and free country. The author starts by highlighting certain problems we are facing that may contradict what makes Canada as it is today. Firstly, its openness and tolerance incurred some biased blames from other countries regarding terrorism. Secondly, people who settled down earlier and have been accustomed to a less …

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…its Chinese and Japanese immigrants, and positively looks forward to seeing more achievements by the current responsible government. On the personal side, the author encourages that we each should familiar ourselves with Canada's constitutional cornerstones: rights and freedom for everyone, regardless gender, ethic group, religion, sexual preference, etc. On the base of that, she hopes that we can show more polite and niceness toward each other for we show the outside world as a country.