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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Language & Speech
Summary: SCIENTISTS are set to announce they have discovered the 10th planet in our solar system, say reports. Dr Brown and his colleagues estimate the temperature on Sedna never rises above 200 degrees below zero C, making it the coldest known body in the solar system.Some scientists has long argued that Pluto is too small to be called a planet, and that it is just another object floating around the solar system. However, another group …

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…Surplus: more of something that is needed or used Transactions: an occasion when a company buys or sells something, or provides a service for someone. Executive: an important manager in the company. Impact: The effect something or someone has. Construction of Sentences: Surplus: The country produces a huge surplus of grain. Transactions: This insurance agency provides financial transactions. Executive: He is a sales executive. Impact: The incident that happened gave a great impact on him.