Summaries of Acts Othello

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Act I. Shakespeare's famous play of love turned bad by unfounded jealousy begins in Venice with Iago, a soldier under Othello's command arguing with Roderigo, a wealthy Venetian. Roderigo has paid Iago a considerable sum of money to spy on Othello for him, since he wishes to take Othello's girlfriend, Desdemona as his own. Roderigo fears that Iago has not been telling him enough about Desdemona and that this proves Iago's real loyalty is to …

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…pocket proving Cassio was to be killed by Roderigo. Iago proudly confirms that Cassio did find the handkerchief in his bedchamber because Iago placed it there to be found. Othello, realizing what he has done, kills himself with a concealed weapon and lies himself on top of his wife. Cassio is placed in charge of Iago and Lodovico leaves to discuss this sad matter with others abroad... ·<Tab/>