Sula and Nel

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Toni Morrison's "Sula" is an eloquent discussion of the nature of evil. The story follows the lives of two black female friends, presents differing views on evil. On one hand, we have society's conventional view of evil represented by the character of Nel and also seen in the Bottom's disapproval of Sula. The other view of evil is seen through the character of Sula and through her actions which conflict with traditional society. The friendship …

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…her closest friend throughout almost her entire life. Putting aside any opinion about Sula's actions with Jude, she longs for the Sula, saying "We was girls together. O Lord, Sula, girl, girl, girlgirlgirl", a cry with "circles and circles of sorrow" (174). Nel realizes that what mattered was not how she and Sula differed but rather it was the strength of their common friendship which overcame any conflicting conceptions of evil that they might have held.